Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Back to School...

It's hard to believe, but I am now the parent of a child in middle school, I know it's scary! I think I was more nervous than Bailee was for her first day in a big new school. It is such a change, 8 classes with 8 teachers, lockers, changing at school into P.E. clothes, Ahhh! All of these things were going through my head the night before school started, I just wanted to hold her back one more year because I didn't think she was ready, Sean had to reassure me that we have all been through it and survived and that Bailee would be just fine. She did make it through her first day with only one major mishap, losing her locker with all of her stuff locked in it the whole day and part of the next day, but other than that she was pretty happy with middle school!

Miles had his first day of First grade and loves his new teacher, the only thing that is hard for him is getting up early again! He loves to sleep in, and is not very happy in the morning if he has to get up early. The first day hit him hard, he came home had a snack and was watching tv on the floor and at about 530-600pm he was asleep, I thought for sure he would wake up in an hour and then not be able to fall asleep, but he actually stayed asleep all night until 630 the next morning! It was great, I wish he'd do that every night!


Sarie said...

I love the picture of them together. They don't look too enthusiastic!!!! Hilarious. Good luck to Bailee.

Josh, Kim & Kids said...

I love their shoes! Since it is the only way to show some individuality in uniforms! They look great and yes, I agree -- not too excited.

Melanie said...

Your both right... They were not too excited to start school! They were so tired, they hadn't been up that early all summer!