Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Crazy pics...

I have had these pics for a while, but I thought I'd post them just because I'm bored with the Halloween post! I guess I was picturing something a little different when the doc said he had to put pins in my foot, not these large screws that look like they came straight from my garage! I think I better give myself extra time to get through security and the metal detectors the next time I go to the airport!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!(View at your own Risk, Seriously!!)

Here are a few pics from the neighborhood Halloween party
What a cute and scary bunch of kids!

Went with an Olympic theme this year...Michael Phelps and an injured Olympic gymnast

Michael Phelps and a dead guy

Dead guy passing out candy at Trunk-or-Treat

Bailee at trunk-or-treat as an 80's prom queen(didn't have time to put on her dead make-up!)

Bailee and Tori as prom queens!
Bailee after trick or treating as a dead 80's prom queen!

This year was definitely not our best year for costumes! I made Bailee's, Miles' was made in the garage by sean 5 min before party, I was limited to whatever would go with a pink cast and crutches, and Sean was basically wearing underwear! There's always next year...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

An Update...

I know, I know, I have been boring everyone to death with my blog lately! I'm sorry that I am such a slacker, I really have no excuse, especially since I have been stuck at home for the last 4 weeks with nothing to do! I don't usually blog without having pics of some fun event or family outing, but this time I am trying something new.

The kids have been busy doing homework, soccer, and more work around the house than usual! I'm sure they are just as anxious for me to get my cast off as I am, they have been pretty good about helping me, but I can only ask them to do so many things before they start to get really annoyed! Miles joined the chess team at his school, and he has been playing it afterschool with his friend or sean, he has even had sean wake him up extra early before school so they can play in peace and quiet together! I think it is so cute, considering he is not a morning person at all! Bailee usually has alot of homework and hardly ever has time to do anything else during the week, except for Young Womens and soccer. I did make it out of the house yesterday to go to her Evening of Excellence, she did a good job doing a pioneer dance with the other beehives while wearing the long skirts that they made themselves.

I just want to say thanks to everyone that brought in dinner to us, or lunch to me! We really appreciatted it and are so lucky to know such kind and thoughtful people! I also want to say thanks again to my Mom for coming out here and helping me and the kids out so much! There is something about having your Mom around when you are sick or in need that makes everything seem better, even if it's not. She cooked for us, cleaned( a ton!), shopped, and ran the kids around to help Sean out. During the day, I was spoiled and stayed in bed resting while she did laundry, cleaned, and then went out to get lunch for me...sounds rough, I know! Apart from the pain, annoying cast, and not being able to leave the house, I guess there are worse things than breaking your foot!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

We're back!!

I know it has been a while since my last post, we have probably lost a few of our blog followers in the meantime! We have been busy, but I finally have a minute to post a few things. The kids and I were lucky to be able to spend most of our summer in Utah with all of our family and friends that live there. It seems like everytime we go, we try to pack in more fun stuff than the year before! This year my parents went out of their way to make sure my kids got to experience all the great things about Utah(besides their usual favorites like Classic skating, Boondocks, Lake Powell, and Cafe Rio!) It always goes by way too fast, but I know that my kids will have great memories of spending time with their Nana, Grandpa, and cousins in Utah every year. I apologize in advance for the extra long post, but we had a lot to fit in!

I know it seems like ages ago, but here are a few pics from the 4th of July parade in Sandy

Bentley and Bailee

the Crook cousins (except Mclaren) in red, white, and blue

Bentley playing football with the big boys, ready to catch!

Lake Powell

Bailee was an awesome wakeboarder this year, she never wanted to quit!

Everyone up on the cliff waiting their turn to jump...some were more nervous than others!
Its hard to see, but that's Zander and Miles getting up the courage to jump! They both did it!

Tasha and Ozzie hanging out on the boat

Best buds Jax and Miles

Livvy smiling pretty for the camera!

Ty, Josh, and Zach were able to get all the little kids to try something new(or force them to try!) they all did surfing (even Bentley and Zakrie) and some did skiing. We were all wondering how Ty was getting the boys to do so much until we learned that he was bribing them with expensive gifts like Nintendo DS's or an Xbox 360 if they could stay up for so long...miles is still waiting for his Xbox 360 Ty!

the kids and I with Grandma Crook at a family reunion

It was so perfect that we got to Utah in time for Mclaren's blessing, Josh gave her a beautiful blessing and I am so glad we were able to be there for her special day.

24th of July at This is the Place Monumentwe had a memorable 24th of July this year, since my kids don't really have many chances to visit places like this living in Florida, I really wanted them to go learn more about the pioneers and their heritage, lucky for us my parents were happy to come, even though they have probably seen it a hundred times!

bailee and miles stamping leather
Bailee standing in front of the Pack home, which is pretty cool since we are descendants of him(Sean's mother's maiden name is Pack and John Pack is her great, great grandfather( i think thats right?)
trying out the handcarts...our kids have it so easy!

I think it was one of the hottest days in Utah, but my parents were so nice to brave the heat and come do all the activities with the kids.

Bailee sitting at the foot of the monument next to John Pack's name

We were also able to go to Temple Square this summer and then we watched a movie at the visitor's center.

It was so nice to just sit in the backyard and talk, play with the kids, and take turns holding the baby!

Where the baby is... the little girls are! They are so cute and motherly, they just stand over you while you have the baby, patiently waiting for their turn to hold her.

the kids and Nana playing baseball in the backyard

One day we took the kids up to Snowbird, hoping to ride the tram, but it was closed due to weather, so we did other stuff up in the mountains. The kids were shocked to feel the freezing cold water in the river!
We rode the lift up the mountain and took the small version of the alpine slide back down, it was fun!

Bailee waiting to go down the slide, Miles and I were on another sled together, which was a big mistake because we were way to heavy and we went soo slow!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Another school year ends...

As many of you can tell, I am what my friend calls " a semi-annual blogger"! I usually wait until I have a few a pics on my camera to upload before I do a blog post! So here are a few pics from May that I have to post! Miles had an award ceremony at the end of his first grade year. He did get a few awards, but I can't even remember what they were for! I do know what they were NOT for- Perfect attendence, straight 'A's, or the Highest test score! Here are a few pics of him and his friends showing off their awards!
Miles had Hawaiian day the last week of school, they did all kinds of fun stuff! Coconut bowling, fishing, made t-shirts, visors, hula skirts, ate sno-cones and fruit kabobs! What an end to a great 1st grade year!
Bailee also made it through her first year of middle school, yay! I wish I could say it was with flying colors, but she definitely struggled! Maybe next year will be better for her because she will be more familiar with the middle school schedule, we can hope anyway! She also just started attending Young Women's, which is awesome for her, even though she says she still misses primary! Bailee is not one of those girls that can't wait to grow up, she is quite the opposite, she wants to stay a kid forever! (call me crazy... but I think she might get that from her dad).

Birthday Fun!

Miles turned seven this year, and while we got away with not having a big party for Bailee, we couldn't get out of having a party for Miles! He had his party at the bowling alley (again) and invited some friends from school and neighborhood to come, he had a fun time bowling and eating pizza and cake with everyone! I still haven't been able to get a good pic of him on his new bike that Nana gave him, but I got a few pics of him trying out his skimboarding slip n slide thing that he got for his birthday, with all the skimboarding he's been doing lately, he should be able to do it for real at the beach this summer!

*Notice Miles' haircut? I am still upset about it! I loved his hair longer, but the principal at his school kept telling him that he needed a haircut( according to school rules it couldn't touch his collar, or go below his eyebrows) so I took him to get a trim and of course the lady messed it up really bad, so I took the clippers to it! I am never cutting his hair again! He says he likes it, and I I guess I have no choice but to deal with it until it grows out again!

Universal Studios

The kids had a great time at Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios while Nana was here for their birthday's! Miles has been wanting to go on the Spiderman ride for years, so we finally went and it was awesome! The other favorite ride was the new Simpsons Ride, and I have to say, it was pretty fun! I recommend it to anyone that is going to Universal soon!

Bailee turns Twelve!

This year Bailee's birthday consisted of: a special visit from her Nana, a birthday dinner at Chili's( her choice), Universal Studios, staying at a hotel and swimming for two days straight in Orlando, and of course Gifts! ( clothes, swimming suits, jewelry, scrapbooking stuff and webkinz!) Thanks to my mom who always makes the kids birthday's so special and for making the effort to come out here to take them to do all the fun stuff they only get to do when Nana is here! (and a big thanks to my Dad for letting her!)We love them and appreciatte everything they do for us!