There is nothing better than swimming with your cousins, riding the rides at Disneyworld, seeing Shamoo at Seaworld and and having your entire family there to share it with you! Last week we were so lucky to have our family come to Florida for a fun and relaxing vacation. Its hard to believe how fast the kids grow up, but having moments like these helps you to treasure the time that they are young. We had such a great week, the kids missed a few days of school, but it was well worth all the make-up work we are doing now! Thanks to our wonderful parents that made it all possible, we love you!
Miles and Donald in the classic character picture. This year at Disney I think we might have spent more time in line to get autographs than we did to actually ride the rides!
Olivia and Bentley holding hands, they are so cute together! They love each other and have their own little conversations with each other when they are together.
Standing next to the cartoon character on the wall at the Nickelodeon hotel
Jaxson and Miles, wanted to dress like twins, loved spending every minute together!