Miles and Donald in the classic character picture. This year at Disney I think we might have spent more time in line to get autographs than we did to actually ride the rides!
Cute Bentley, I always try to get a picture of him smiling, but he is so busy that its really hard to do!
Olivia and Bentley holding hands, they are so cute together! They love each other and have their own little conversations with each other when they are together.
Standing next to the cartoon character on the wall at the Nickelodeon hotel
Bailee swimming with Ellie, even though there is a seven year age difference, Bailee loves to play with her!
Jaxson and Miles, wanted to dress like twins, loved spending every minute together!
The whole crew (soon to be one more!) I am sure Kim or Lindsey got a better picture of all of them together, but this is the best one I have! I guess 2 out of 6 looking at the camera is better than nothing!